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Extract relevant regression indices from lavaan model through lavaan::parameterEstimates and lavaan::standardizedsolution.


lavaan_reg(fit, nice_table = FALSE, ...)



lavaan fit object to extract fit indices from


Logical, whether to print the table as a rempsyc::nice_table as well as print the reference values at the bottom of the table.


Arguments to be passed to rempsyc::nice_table


A dataframe, including the outcome ("lhs"), predictor ("rhs"), standardized regression coefficient ("std.all"), corresponding p-value, as well as the unstandardized regression coefficient ("est") and its confidence interval ("ci.lower", "ci.upper").


x <- paste0("x", 1:9)
(latent <- list(
  visual = x[1:3],
  textual = x[4:6],
  speed = x[7:9]
#> $visual
#> [1] "x1" "x2" "x3"
#> $textual
#> [1] "x4" "x5" "x6"
#> $speed
#> [1] "x7" "x8" "x9"

(regression <- list(
  ageyr = c("visual", "textual", "speed"),
  grade = c("visual", "textual", "speed")
#> $ageyr
#> [1] "visual"  "textual" "speed"  
#> $grade
#> [1] "visual"  "textual" "speed"  

HS.model <- write_lavaan(latent = latent, regression = regression)
#> ##################################################
#> # [-----Latent variables (measurement model)-----]
#> visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#> textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
#> speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
#> ##################################################
#> # [---------Regressions (Direct effects)---------]
#> ageyr ~ visual + textual + speed
#> grade ~ visual + textual + speed

fit <- sem(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
#>    Outcome Predictor         SE          Z            p           b    CI_lower
#> 10   ageyr    visual 0.10223059 -0.6515452 5.146946e-01 -0.06660785 -0.26697612
#> 11   ageyr   textual 0.07452101 -4.3003671 1.705154e-05 -0.32046768 -0.46652617
#> 12   ageyr     speed 0.13527746  4.2102536 2.550842e-05  0.56955240  0.30441346
#> 13   grade    visual 0.04763058  0.2303820 8.177950e-01  0.01097323 -0.08238099
#> 14   grade   textual 0.03444008  1.4407968 1.496421e-01  0.04962116 -0.01788016
#> 15   grade     speed 0.06427861  4.6357654 3.556191e-06  0.29798057  0.17199681
#>      CI_upper           B  CI_lower_B CI_upper_B
#> 10  0.1337604 -0.05753255 -0.22998065  0.1149156
#> 11 -0.1744092 -0.30377383 -0.43682901 -0.1707186
#> 12  0.8346913  0.35378347  0.20775141  0.4998155
#> 13  0.1043274  0.01993320 -0.14957182  0.1894382
#> 14  0.1171225  0.09892078 -0.03509861  0.2329402
#> 15  0.4239643  0.38926587  0.24802239  0.5305094