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Compares fit from one or several lavaan models. Also optionally includes references values. The reference fit values are based on Schreiber (2017), Table 3.


  nice_table = FALSE,
  guidelines = TRUE,
  stars = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



lavaan model object(s) to extract fit indices from


Model labels to use. If a named list is provided for model, default to the names of the list. Otherwise, if the list is unnamed, defaults to generic numbering.


Logical, whether to print the table as a rempsyc::nice_table.


Logical, if nice_table = TRUE, whether to display include reference values based on Schreiber (2017), Table 3, at the bottom of the table.


Logical, if nice_table = TRUE, whether to display significance stars (defaults to FALSE).


Logical, whether to display messages and warnings.


A dataframe, representing select fit indices (chi2, df, chi2/df, p-value of the chi2 test, CFI, TLI, RMSEA and its 90% CI, unbiased SRMR, AIC, and BIC).


Note that nice_fit reports the unbiased SRMR through lavaan::lavResiduals() because the standard SRMR is upwardly biased (doi:10.1007/s11336-016-9552-7 ) in a noticeable way for smaller samples (thanks to James Uanhoro for this change).

If using guidelines = TRUE, please carefully consider the following 2023 quote from Terrence D. Jorgensen:

I do not recommend including cutoffs in the table, as doing so would perpetuate their misuse. Fit indices are not test statistics, and their suggested cutoffs are not critical values associated with known Type I error rates. Numerous simulation studies have shown how poorly cutoffs perform in model selection (e.g., , Jorgensen et al. (2018). Instead of test statistics, fit indices were designed to be measures of effect size (practical significance), which complement the chi-squared test of statistical significance. The range of RMSEA interpretations above is more reminiscent of the range of small/medium/large effect sizes proposed by Cohen for use in power analyses, which are as arbitrary as alpha levels, but at least they better respect the idea that (mis)fit is a matter of magnitude, not nearly so simple as "perfect or imperfect."


Schreiber, J. B. (2017). Update to core reporting practices in structural equation modeling. Research in social and administrative pharmacy, 13(3), 634-643. doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.06.006


x <- paste0("x", 1:9)
(latent <- list(
  visual = x[1:3],
  textual = x[4:6],
  speed = x[7:9]
#> $visual
#> [1] "x1" "x2" "x3"
#> $textual
#> [1] "x4" "x5" "x6"
#> $speed
#> [1] "x7" "x8" "x9"

(regression <- list(
  ageyr = c("visual", "textual", "speed"),
  grade = c("visual", "textual", "speed")
#> $ageyr
#> [1] "visual"  "textual" "speed"  
#> $grade
#> [1] "visual"  "textual" "speed"  

HS.model <- write_lavaan(latent = latent, regression = regression)
#> ##################################################
#> # [-----Latent variables (measurement model)-----]
#> visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#> textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
#> speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
#> ##################################################
#> # [---------Regressions (Direct effects)---------]
#> ageyr ~ visual + textual + speed
#> grade ~ visual + textual + speed

fit <- sem(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
#>     Model   chisq df chi2.df pvalue   cfi   tli rmsea
#> 1 Model 1 116.263 36    3.23      0 0.926 0.887 0.086          0.069
#>  srmr      aic      bic
#> 1          0.104 0.052 8638.134 8749.248